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"What is DPC?"

Direct primary care is a primary care model which allows a direct billing and payment arrangement between patients and the medical provider, without having to send claims to insurance providers.  Enjoy no more deductibles, co pays,  hours at the urgent care or month long wait for an appointment-all for less than a cross fit membership. 




All vaccines are billed through insurance.  If you're given a hard time, the cost is on us.  It's our promise to you.  We are also able to refer you to a specialist whenever necessary, and get discounted prices on x-rays and scans. Dr. Uma can recommend the most appropriate intervention/specialist for your needs.  With this level of care, though, you'll be surprised what you DON'T need.  

"How is DPC different from Concierge medicine?"

These terms are frequently used interchangeably, but the models are not the same. Both offer a longer appointment times and more personalized care, however, most concierge practices charge a significant annual membership fee in addition to billing your insurance at each visit (as is done in a traditional medical office). In contrast, direct primary care charges a reasonable monthly fee to cover as much of your primary care needs as possible. 

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